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Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) has launched its latest campaign to raise awareness of the importance of health and welfare LPA’s with the report ‘The Incapacity Crisis – a nation unprepared’.
The report urges consumers to have a conversation with their loved ones about their medical and care preferences, as well as write down their wishes in a health and welfare LPA.
The report was in The Times on Saturday 30/06/18. You can view it online at: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/dementia-care-by-strangers-for-the-millions-who-fail-to-prepare-32ztfzqns (You will need to subscribe to read the article).
The full report can be read on the SFE website if you follow this link:
If you use social media, you can follow the campaign on Twitter by searching for:
#choicenotchance #SFELawyers
and on Facebook by visiting @SFELawyers
You can also watch a video about the key messages here:
Incapacity is on the rise, due to people living longer and the prevalence of conditions like dementia. We are a nation unprepared. Too few of us have planned ahead to make sure our wishes are followed should we be unable to make our own decisions. Together these two factors are causing a looming ‘incapacity crisis’ in Britain.
The advice is ‘be prepared – make sure your wishes are heard). Don’t leave important personal and subjective decisions about your health and care in the hands of strangers. The only way to avoid this is to think about what you’d want if you were to lose capacity, speak to loved ones about it and get a Health & Welfare LPA in place.
By choosing an experts, you will make sure your LPA is robust and covers all the things you need it to, speak to Sharon Richardson or Belinda Poulter at our York office, they are both members of SFE. Members of SFE have a wealth of experience within this key legal area and they are required to have spent a substantial amount of time working for elderly clients so you can be confident about the service you receive. Find out more here /site/personal/elderly-client-services/solicitors-for-the-elderly/