With offices in York, Pickering, Selby and Malton, Crombie Wilkinson is leading agricultural law firm that works across Yorkshire - and is one of only two solicitors to be appointed to provide legal services to the local branch of the National Farmers Union (NFU). Our expert team of agricultural solicitors have worked with multiple agriculture and rural landowners in the area for many years.
Contact our agricultural solicitors today
NFU appointed agricultural solicitors
Crombie Wilkinson is proud to be appointed as one of only two agricultural solicitors to provide legal advice and expertise to the National Farmers Union North East members. Find out more about the NFU Legal Panel.

Our Agricultural and Private Client work was acknowledged for four years running by The Legal 500 2023 - United Kingdom, Private Client, Agricultural & Estates. Visit our Legal 500 listing.

Speak to our award winning Agricultural Lawyers
Rural land and farm law specialists in Yorkshire
Our agricultural solicitors based across Yorkshire are all legal experts and specialists in law relating to farms, farming, farm buildings and agricultural land. Members of our agricultural legal department offer advice to individuals and farm businesses of all sizes. This could cover the buying and selling of farm buildings or helping you with public rights of way.
We also offer advice on issues such as sheep worrying and fly tipping in our blog.
Agricultural Land Purchases
If you are looking to purchase agricultural land in Yorkshire, our land law solicitors can offer legal advice on this often-challenging process. With a growing demand for this type of land purchase, we’ll help you avoid the pitfalls and explore the best opportunities including drainage rules to protect our rivers. We can also help with selling agricultural land and offering legal advice on how farm tenancy works.
RPA entitlements, Woodland Grant Schemes and Stewardship Schemes
The government regularly reviews national schemes such as the Woodland Grant and Stewardship Scheme, which means you need to stay one step ahead too. Our agricultural solicitors will ensure you have all the necessary information to protect any grants you could be entitled to.
General Property Issues
There’s a plethora of property issues surrounding agricultural property and land development including registering land, which is why your Crombie Wilkinson agricultural solicitor will help you understand the fine details of agricultural law and farming law and help to prepare the necessary legal documentation.
An Agricultural Holdings Act tenancy is a key part of succession planning. If you are a landlord, it can mean an asset is tied up and the value is decreased over many years. Talk to our farming law solicitors if you need specialist legal advice.
Farm Business Tenancies
Essentially, this is a type of business lease. A farm business tenancy has different agreement terms, and our specialist solicitors for farmers can advise on the qualifying conditions as well as all the small details that will prepare you for this type of lease.
Grants of Easements
As land and farm law specialists, we regularly deal with matters such as gas pipes, electrical lines and mobile phone aerials when considering rights over neighbouring land and any implications this may have. We also specialise in private right of way, which is a common concern with agricultural land purchases.
Farm Diversification Schemes
There are a number of schemes in place which can generate new sources of income through farm diversification. As an agricultural law firm, we have significant expertise in diversifying farmland to create caravan and leisure parks.
Chancel Repair and Manorial Rights
Your land ownership may mean you are liable for repairs to a church, specifically the chancel. It may also mean that you have specific manorial rights for hunting, for example. Our land law solicitors will provide you with the facts on both chancel repairs and manorial rights.
Our land solicitors can advise on rights of way and also advise on whether the land you are looking to purchase is common land or a village green. Both developed and undeveloped land require specific legal considerations that we can detail to you.
Any time a purchase takes place, be it residential property or commercial land, we always advise that a will is drafted or updated to take into account the new acquisition. Our agricultural lawyers can provide tax planning advice throughout the process and in addition provide a wealth of advice on succession planning for farming families..
Partnership Agreements
Getting the necessary partnership agreements in place is an important of any agricultural business planning. Our team of agricultural solicitors will prepare the legal documentation to ensure we have you covered.
Our agricultural law team can advise on farm cottages and the letting of such buildings.
With two agricultural employment law specialists in the firm, you can be sure you’re in safe hands from a legal perspective. Whether you’re looking to employ new people or need assistance with the administrative legal side, we can help.
Our team can provide legal advice to farming and agricultural business and landowners if you have a dispute. As one of only two law firms in the North East to be accredited with NFU Legal Panel Firm status, we have been approved to provide a wide range of legal advice and services to NFU members including regulatory matters.
Sporting / Hunting
Your chosen area of agricultural land may have specific sporting rights and this extends to hunting too. Our land law solicitors can inform you of your legal rights as well as prepare sporting legal agreements as required.
Agricultural crime can affect working farms, farm machinery, farm buildings and smallholdings. If you have been affected by rural crime and would like legal help and advice, contact a member of our Agricultural Law team.
If your land has horses, equine law is an area we have vast experience with. Our equine lawyers can advise on this often complex field of law and offer expert help ranging from animal welfare to health and safety. We can also discuss grazing licences as required.
Our work and support for young farmers in Yorkshire
The agricultural industry is calling out for the next generation to help shape the future of farming – and we know young farmers in Yorkshire are helping to lead the way. As specialist farming law solicitors, we are here to help and advise on what your farming future means for you.
Our farming law specialists can help with the following:
- Advising on entry into farming your own land/farm
- Counselling on land law and farm tenancy in Yorkshire
Defining your role in the family farming business and how it fits in with the other family roles on and off the farm
Preparing the documentation to protect you and the farm business, as well as the wishes of the people involved in the farm, for the future e.g. partnership agreements
Advising on when and how to discuss succession planning
Counselling on what you need to know if you are considering a diversification project on the farm
We work proactively with the
NFU and the Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs to support the young farmer community in our region. Talk to us today about your ideas, plans and concerns.
If you need a specialist agricultural law solicitor, call our Malton office for professional, friendly advice.