Resolution solicitors

Speak to a specialist solicitor at our law firm in North Yorkshire.
Our specialist resolution solicitors are ready to help.

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York is fortunate to have a friendly and supportive legal community in which Resolution thrives and continues to grow.

Many of our family law legal advisors in Yorkshire are accredited by Resolution.

The York Resolution group has the range of experience and diversity of skills to provide a first class legal service to those who need it. We are members of the York Resolution group and you can get confirmation of our Resolution accredited solicitors in Yorkshire on the Resolution website.

In obtaining an accreditation with Resolution, solicitors have subscribed not only to the Resolution Code of Practice, but are also able to claim to have achieved a standard of quality and expertise that is of the highest level. To achieve this standard, they have had to undertake a rigorous assessment, not only in their specialised subjects, but also in the general areas in which family solicitors operate.

We are committed members of the York Group, are in contact with our members on a regular basis and keen to promote our activities and the Resolution ethos. We strive to use fellow accredited specialists (specialists) as our agents, and to promote the accreditation process and quality mark.

Resolution membership represents how we approach our work and our team always strive for the following:

  • Reduce or manage any conflict and confrontation.
  • Support clients to put the best interests of any children first.
  • Ensure there are no surprises on costs.
  • Treat you politely, considerately and with respect.
  • Use our experiences and knowledge to guide clients towards their best options.
  • Continually develop our service and skills.
  • Use the Resolution Guides to Good Practice in our day-to-day work.

Resolution supports the development of family lawyers through its national and regional training programmes, through publications and good practice guides and through its accreditation scheme. Resolution also trains and accredits mediators and is the only body providing training and support for collaborative lawyers in England and Wales.

What is resolution family law?

Our solicitors who are accredited by Resolution have agreed to follow the Resolution code of practice: “Resolution is a community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way.”

Why choose a resolution solicitor?

Resolution membership is the mindset in which we approach our work. Our code of practice means we will act with honesty, integrity and objectivity while encouraging families to put the best interests of any children first.


  • Claire Eastwood
      • 01904 624185
      • View profile
  • Greg Cross
      • 01653 600070
      • View profile
  • Mark Robinson
      • 01757 708957
      • View profile
  • Juliette Kilkenny
      • 01904 624185
      • View profile
  • Laura Parke
      • 01757 708957
      • View profile
  • Rebekka Jackson
      • 01904 624185
      • View profile
  • Charlotte Smart
      • 01757 708957
      • View profile
  • Rebecca Sowry
      • 01904 624185
      • View profile
  • Lucinda Ross
      • 01904 624185
      • View profile
  • Frances Cromwell
      • View profile